Bei Karmameju wird das Design geändert. Wir ändern das Design der Karmameju-Verpackungen. Wir ändern die visuelle Identität, um es dir noch einfacher zu machen, die richtigen Produkte für deine Haut zu finden. Mit der Designänderung werden die ehemaligen Gesichtsserien 01, 02 und 03 in die Kategorien LOVING, CALMING und ENERGIZING sowie PERFUME-FREE eingeteilt. Die Produkte sind immer noch die Karmameju Produkte, die du kennst und liebst, nur in neuen Farben.
Mineral sun filters
Naturally derived mineral sun filters
In Karmameju SUN we use physical, mineral sun filters. Our approach to natural skincare means that the mineral sun filters are the only right choice for our products.
Mineral sun filters are also referred to as
/ Natural sun filters
/ Physical sun filters
/ Mineral sun filters
Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide are examples of physical sun filters which are naturally derived minerals, extracted from the soil. In Karmameju SUN we use the mineral Titanium Dioxide.
Physical sun filters offer protection against UV rays by settling on the surface of the skin and deflect the UV rays. They form a natural, physical barrier between the skin and the sun.
The many advantages of physical, mineral sun filters
/ Mineral sun filters work as soon as applied
/ Mineral sun filters do not clog the pores
/ Mineral sun filters are allergen-free
/ Mineral sun filters are recommended for children
/ Mineral sun filters are naturally derived sun protection
The difference between physical, chemical and nano sun filters
There are two other types of sun filters that skincare manufacturers can use in the formulation of sun protection. Chemical sun filters and nanoparticle sun filters. These are not used in Karmameju SUN. You can read about the differences between the three types of sun filters here.
The prerequisite for launching Karmameju SUN
Sunscreen with physical sun filters is known to be difficult to apply and leave the skin with a white residue. To avoid this was a prerequisite for launching Karmameju SUN.
In collaboration with our award-winning, organic agriculture and laboratory in Southern Italy, we have worked for several years towards overcoming this challenge. The goal was to create UV protection using mineral filters that would be sheer in appearance and a sheer pleasure to apply.
The formulation of organic ingredients in Karmameju SUN offers a broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection. It is pure, natural, and active skincare and suncare in one. Karmameju SUN stimulates and nourishes, is infused with a beautiful aroma that captures the feeling of Mediterranean summer and leave the skin moisturised and ready for sun exposure.