A Conversation with Me

By founder, Mette Skjærbæk

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In this article, our founder responds to 'A Conversation with You.' Through reflection and suggestions for action, the article provides practical advice on how you can take small steps toward a life that aligns with your dreams and desires.

A new year has begun, and here at Karmameju, we’re once again giving the biggest 'hug' to DO YOU – our mantra that reminds you to focus on what truly matters. We want to invite you to have a conversation with yourself, about what makes you feel satisfied, what helps you achieve what you want, and how you can sort out everything else.

To create that space, it was important for me that it started with me having the conversation with me first. I want everything that I/Karmameju stand for to have deep integrity and authenticity, so of course, I needed to have the conversation to feel the impact – and I was quite surprised by how wonderfully concrete it became for me.

There are many things I want to do in life, but I can’t do it all. My goal is to be realistic about balancing time and, from there, to feel good about achieving what’s most important to me.
I would love to inspire you to have an important conversation with yourself. Below, you’ll find little summaries of my conversation with myself – some of my reflections and decisions. I’ll spare you the entire write-up, as it became quite long. The conversation has already created some good, small changes in my everyday life – changes that I’m really happy with.

If you’d like to give “A Conversation with You” a try yourself, you can read more in the original article here to give it a go.


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A Conversation with Me

Hi Mette,

“Little Mette” and “Big Mette”*.
Let’s have a chat about 2025, about your dreams, expectations and wishes. Let’s create a small plan so that life doesn’t pass you by, but instead, you become the captain steering the ship.

*"Little Mette" and "Big Mette" refers to "the inner child" – a psychological theory based on our early emotions, memories, and behavioural patterns that remain unresolved or continue to influence us in adulthood.

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My mental health

My mental health is a top priority for the coming year and all the coming years. My conversation with myself regarding my mental health primarily revolved around the question: What supports me in being carefree and positive? What naturally makes me wake up in the morning feeling happy and calm in my thoughts? Life, as we experience it, "happens" in our thoughts, and if we provide the body with good conditions, the thoughts will be more positive.

The main points in my conversation were sleep, nourishing food, daylight, movement, and practicing positive thinking – including thoughts about myself. 

To accept and respect that I am exactly as I should be. To spend more time in nature. To nurture my most important relationships, and turn off the TV in the evening to read or be creative instead, as that makes me happy.

Mental health - to-do:

- Book weekly nature dates in my calendar.

- Buy a notebook for poetry and prose. Get back to writing – just for me.

- Less TV – more creativity.

- Focus on spending time with my most important people + book dates in the calendar.

- Continue with my key holistic health elements: sleep, daylight, etc.


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My physical health

2024 was the year I had my first full health check-up. It put a lot of things in motion. It started with low levels of vitamin D and one of my liver values being too high. This led to a series of tests, which, among other things, revealed that my bones need extra 'help' to stay strong for the long term. It also led to the decision to take bioidentical hormones in relation to menopause, among other things.

Physical health - to-do:

- Divide my vitamins into daily portions for the entire week, making it easier to remember to take them. Find small, pretty containers to keep them in, so I won't mind having them on the kitchen counter.

- Book strength and cardio training 2-3 weeks in advance to ensure classes aren’t fully booked and time doesn’t slip away. Ideally, book sessions with family or friends. Also, prioritise breathwork. Attend Osteostrong weekly to strengthen bones and maintain balance.

- Continue with my key holistic health elements: diet, hydration, etc.


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I am very yin and yang when it comes to socialising, and my conversation with myself mainly revolved around these opposing poles. On the one hand, I’m very sociable, while on the other hand, I’m a homebody who thrives alone. It’s about finding the right balance.

My daughters, my family, and my friends are incredibly important – and time spent alone is equally crucial, especially when my 'to-do's' are all ticked off, and I start to pay more attention to "what do I actually feel like doing now”.

Relationships - To-Do:

- Practice being more at ease when you’re with others – you don’t always have to contribute so much.

- Book at least 4 Svendborg (my hometown) dates in the 2025 calendar.

- Make a list of the most important relations and schedule dates with them.

And with my lovely daughters:

- Book a “meeting” with each of them about “A Conversation with You.”

- Schedule things in the calendar that we want to do together.

- Focus on traditions – these are often the things we remember later in life.


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Hobbies and creativity

This conversation is especially important this year.

I haven’t had time for hobbies as such in many years, with young children and running a business, but that time is coming now. However, I can feel that it will take some effort to get back into spending time on hobbies – to spend time on something "purposeless."

My work with herbarium artworks has awakened what a body therapist called "Manhattan-Mette" – that is me, Mette in my 20s, living in New York and involved in a hundred creative projects. I’m in the process of reconnecting with “her”, and I need to help that process along. There’s so much I want to do, but I’ve also realised that this, too, must be prioritised.

Hobbies - to-Do:

- My focus for 2025 will be on writing and creating herbarium artworks. Set aside time in the calendar to work on herbarium projects, as it’s time-consuming and is rather messy. Find 6 x 3-day "weekends" throughout 2025 where I know I won’t have any other commitments.

- Write, just write – there are so many words inside me, and I love it when they dance on paper.

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Work/life balance

Work/life balance is a strange concept; it almost sounds like work isn’t part of life, and vice versa, but it’s very individual. Maybe it should just be called “work/ time-off balance”?

In terms of my work, my main goal is to better separate my professional life from my free time, so I’m not always “on”. A bit more structure, and for example, making sure to take Sundays off completely.

My main goal in my work is to inspire people with everything I’m passionate about and what I’ve found works well for me and many around me – as well as improving people’s skin and getting it into good balance.

So, 2025 will be more of all of this – just in a better balance.

Work/life balance - to-do:

- Create structure around social media so it’s not always part of everything I do.

- Better separation between when I’m working and when I’m off.

- Focus on spending my time on what matters most when I’m working.


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Financial security

My mother became a widow with us when she was 36, and I grew up with a mother who had to make ends meet. This has made me somewhat anxious about finances. It's Little Mette who says, "No! You can't buy that bag! Are you crazy – what if you need the money later?"

And this is where Big Mette needs to stand strong. I want to create a sense of calm and balance in myself that isn't fear-based.

My focus for 2025 is to spread my assets across more “baskets,” so I’m working on my pension, which I started very late, and will continue to ensure the family’s financial security by making us as least vulnerable as possible in the world we live in.

Financial security - to-do:

- Build further on a good pension.

- Ensure there’s cash available, and maybe buy a little gold.

- Relax! Enjoy life. You won’t be missing salt for your butter – heal Little Mette.

- Consider whether the herbarium artworks should be sold, as suggested by an art dealer, or if that would turn my hobby into something that is no longer a hobby.


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Experiences and travel

Although I live a very lovely life with many experiences, I also feel that these are things that "happen," rather than big dreams I’m actively living out. For many years, it’s been about small children and the business, and at times, I’ve had difficulty connecting with my dreams and desires – these are what I want to work on in 2025.

Experiences and travel - to-do:

- Set aside a day to focus solely on the experiences I dream of having in 2025: What are MY dream travel destinations? What experiences in Denmark would I like to have? Are there restaurants I dream of visiting? Get them booked in the calendar.

- Book time to create our own "silent retreat" with Marie, as we’ve talked about.

- Book time to meet Tess somewhere in the world.

- Make sure there’s time and space for all the wonderful experiences that arise when friends, network, and others invite me to beautiful occasions and events.


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Dear reader,

I hope that my little summary of my thoughts can serve as inspiration for you. My conversation with myself is by no means over; it has only just begun. I’ve set aside a day to continue working through all the points, narrowing down to what, when, how, etc., I dream of – right here, at this moment in my life, where the possibilities are different than before.

I wish you a wonderful conversation with yourself. I hope you feel confirmed in all the good things you are already doing, and perhaps even a little surprised by what you discover in your conversation. Above all, I wish for you to be content with your 2025.

All the best from me,


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