/Caper buds / Prickly Pear cladodes / Olive leaves
Karmameju’s Skin-relief-complex is a clinically proven, effective blend of plant extracts developed to prepare and repair the skin before and after sun exposure. A soothing complex attributed to the action of a threefold of natural high-performance ingredients:
Prickly Pear polysaccharides / Skin-healing and immunostimulant activity. Traditionally used in treatment of skin diseases because of its re-epithelialization effect and wound healing activity. Polysaccharides are sugar biomolecules, also known as carbohydrates; glycogen, starch or cellulose, naturally found in plants. The polysaccharides in Prickly Pear are clinically proven to show healing-accelerating and skin regenerative action.
Olive biophenols / Soothing and lentitive effect on the skin. Help provide anti-inflammatory relief and antioxidant protection. Biophenols, also known as polyphenols, have a universal presence in plant metabolites. Biophenols from olives are strong antioxidants and highly prized for their free radical scavenging and antioxidative potential.
Capers flavonoids / Desensitizing and inhibitory effect against histamine-induced redness caused by for example sun exposure or sun burn. Flavonoids are phytonutrients (plant chemicals) and a naturally occurring plant pigment abundant in vegetables, fruits, grains, roots, flowers etc. Besides fighting to prevent cell-damage with its antioxidant superpower, this calming Caper flavonoid has antihistamine properties making it beneficial for sensitive or reactive skin.