The Journal
Karmameju is changing the design. We're undergoing a design change in Karmameju's packaging. We are changing the visual identity to make it even easier for you to find the right products for your skinWith the design change, the former face ranges 01, 02 and 03 will be categorised as LOVING, CALMING and ENERGIZING as well as PERFUME-FREE. The products are still the Karmameju products you know and love, just in new colors.
Gesichtscreme ist das wichtigste Produkt in deiner täglichen Hautpflegeroutine, denn sie hilft, deine Haut vor äußeren Einflüssen wie Trockenheit, Bakterien und freien Radikalen durch Umweltverschmutzung zu schützen. Außerdem macht die Verwendung von Gesichtscreme deine Haut geschmeidiger und hat eine faltenreduzierende, vorbeugende Wirkung.
Is cleansing your skin important? Yes, your cleansing routine is essential in terms of how your skin looks and feels. There are many advantages of cleansing your skin, but the skin needs to be cleansed with respect to its natural functions. We will explain what that entails in this article.
Which cleansing product should I choose? Your cleansing routine is important in terms of how your skin looks and feels. Therefore, it is important to choose a cleansing product that matches your skin’s needs. You can interchange between several cleansing products to for example your morning and evening routine, or you can choose to use one cleansing product, which matches your skin’s needs every day of the week - morning and night.