A personal choice 

During both my pregnancies, I found it something of minefield to work out what is and isn’t “allowed” when you’re expecting.

And the confusion didn’t stop at diet and exercise, but so many other things, too. Which nappies did I want to use for my babies? Should the clothes I dressed them in be made of wool? Was I working too much during my pregnancy? “You don’t want to get pelvic girdle pain now do you!” – Was I sitting too much? Standing too much?

You ask yourself so many questions, but ultimately, only you can decide what’s best for the little life growing inside you.

I think a lot of people feel like this. So much well-meaning advice comes your way, and you try your best to pick through all the dos and don’ts.

At Karmameju, we’re often asked if you’re allowed to use essential oils during pregnancy and when breastfeeding. For legal reasons, we let this personal choice be up to the individual consumer.

Karmameju is adapted to the varying cosmetics legislation in Europe, the US, Canada and Hong Kong, and we have therefore chosen to write the following on the products:

Seek professional advice during pregnancy and breastfeeding when using essential oils.

I know it doesn’t exactly answer the question, but we hope it helps you, the consumer, to make a choice.

A little bit of a good thing

I love aromatherapy and the positive effect it has on the body. I really loved using the 02 range to soothe, relax and pamper my skin and mind. I mixed and matched Karmameju Skincare from all the ranges. Products such as CALM balm and calming MILD body oil were favourites of mine during both pregnancies. It wasn’t the exquisite natural fragrances that worried me – far from it.

But it has to be up to the individual whether or not to use skincare containing essential oils during pregnancy and breastfeeding, just as your dietary and other lifestyle choices are individual. We urge you to read up on pregnancy and the use of effective aromatherapy and to make your choice about which products to use during your pregnancy based on this.

The way I see it, it’s fine to use a little bit of a good thing.


Non-product products as an alternative

An alternative to using a lot of skincare products during pregnancy and breastfeeding is dry brushing and the use of our konjac sponges. This is really great for your skin without any products penetrating the skin. Dry brushing is particularly beneficial during pregnancy and has many skincare properties.

- Daily exfoliation of the skin helps combat dryness on both the body and the face. Use Karmameju’s body brushes or face brush and konjac sponge as an alternative to scrubs and peeling to remove dull, grey skin cells and make the skin glow.

- Ease and prevent water retention and swelling. Start early on in your pregnancy to maintain good circulation in your body and ask a loved one to help brush your legs and feet when you’re no longer able to reach them yourself.

-  Dry brushing stimulates the nervous system and gets your blood flowing, boosting your energy levels.

-  If you suffer from pregnancy-related itching, you can dry brush using light strokes to gently relieve the itching. Avoid areas where the skin is extra sensitive, such as on the stomach towards the end of your pregnancy.

- Get help brushing your neck and lower back to relieve muscle tension.

Read about the many benefits of using Karmameju’s dry brushes here

And to anyone reading this with a baby in your tummy, in your arms or at your breast, CONGRATULATIONS!

All the best / 