The ancient beauty ritual that never grows old


Brush your way to the difference

Dry brushing is the natural beauty ritual which have been practiced for centuries to improve the skin and stimulate the body inside out - a ritual that boosts energy levels, body balance and overall well-being. Thousands of people in our community have made the Karmameju dry brushes’ addicting strokes a part of their routine. When dry brushing regularly, you will quickly see and feel results on body, mind and skin. 



Brush your way to the difference

Dry brushing is the natural beauty ritual which have been practiced for centuries to improve the skin and stimulate the body inside out - a ritual that boosts energy levels, body balance and overall well-being. Thousands of people in our community have made the Karmameju dry brushes’ addicting strokes a part of their routine. When dry brushing regularly, you will quickly see and feel results on body, mind and skin. 

Meet our dry brushes
An effective routine

Dry brushing is one of the most effective ways of exfoliating the skin without damaging the skin’s surface. The natural bristles gently, yet effectively, loosen the dead skin cells on the skin’s surface and brings out the most glowy, vital skin. The stimulation kickstarts a lot of good processes: Dry brushing supports detoxification, stimulates the nervous system, blood circulation and lymphatic system - and tightens and evens the skin. 

shop brushes
An effective routine

Dry brushing is one of the most effective ways of exfoliating the skin without damaging the skin’s surface. The natural bristles gently, yet effectively, loosen the dead skin cells on the skin’s surface and brings out the most glowy, vital skin. The stimulation kickstarts a lot of good processes: Dry brushing supports detoxification, stimulates the nervous system, blood circulation and lymphatic system - and tightens and evens the skin. 

shop brushes
A self-loving ritual

Dry brushing is energizing and calming at the same time. The dynamic strokes on the skin stimulates the blood circulation, nervous system and lymphatic system which results in the most vibrant, buzzing feeling in the body - the body is simply awakened. At the same time, the self-loving ritual is almost meditative with its repeated, sense-awakening strokes on the body. 

shop brushes
A self-loving ritual

Dry brushing is energizing and calming at the same time. The dynamic strokes on the skin stimulates the blood circulation, nervous system and lymphatic system which results in the most vibrant, buzzing feeling in the body - the body is simply awakened. At the same time, the self-loving ritual is almost meditative with its repeated, sense-awakening strokes on the body. 

shop brushes

Dry brush enthusiasts

It awakens my skin, removes dead skin cells and provides glow. Mentally I feel better after dry brushing.


I could visibly see results after 2nd use. I am super happy about my brushes. 


It is really something! My skin is nicer, I no longer have dry flakes on the shins and I have the softest skin. I love it!


I love the sense of well-being dry brushing provides! It gives a warmth and a nicer skin. 


I simply think that my skin has become exemplary. It has never felt so good. I love the RENEW facial dry brush.


What’s your morning routine?


The Danish wellness pioneer’s original morning routine

In 1904, Jørgen Peter Müller, published his best-selling book ‘My System’ which became a modern, bodily breakthrough all over the world, breaking with the otherwise introverted corporeality. Müller was ahead of his time: he understood the importance of physical touch, setting aside time for your health, and then he had a special fondness of exfoliating the body with rubbing because of its many physical, mental and skincare benefits. Principals we feel very inspired by when communicating all the benefits of dry brushing and making it a part of your morning routine.



The Danish wellness pioneer’s original morning routine

In 1904, Jørgen Peter Müller, published his best-selling book ‘My System’ which became a modern, bodily breakthrough all over the world, breaking with the otherwise introverted corporeality. Müller was ahead of his time: he understood the importance of physical touch, setting aside time for your health, and then he had a special fondness of exfoliating the body with rubbing because of its many physical, mental and skincare benefits. Principals we feel very inspired by when communicating all the benefits of dry brushing and making it a part of your morning routine.

Meet our dry brushes


Why negative ions are a plus for body and mind

In larger cities, we are exposed to free radicals and thus premature ageing. See how you can build a protective shield around the body with ionic dry brushing - positive news for body, skin and mind.



Why negative ions are a plus for body and mind

In larger cities, we are exposed to free radicals and thus premature ageing. See how you can build a protective shield around the body with ionic dry brushing - positive news for body, skin and mind.



Need that final push?

What happens to the skin and your mind, when you dry brush everyday for 7 days? 7 days are what we believe it takes to feel a noticeable difference with dry brushing. After this it only gets better. Some might even say that it becomes an addiction. Need that final push?



Need that final push?

What happens to the skin and your mind, when you dry brush everyday for 7 days? 7 days are what we believe it takes to feel a noticeable difference with dry brushing. After this it only gets better. Some might even say that it becomes an addiction. Need that final push?