The cards are assigned small, physical actions such as opening the windows and letting out “what no longer serves”, cards targeted at inner health like drinking plenty of water, cards that inspire home spa-treatments, cards that inspire mental exercises, and much more.
The idea behind every card is created by Karmameju’s founder, Mette Skjærbæk, who loves inspiration which allows her to remember herself in a busy everyday life. Stretching over a period, Mette created all the cards based on ideas that would inspire her, with the desire to create a DO YOU-movement, which you have already so beautifully embraced.
The illustrations on the cards are created by Karmameju’s graphic designer, Julia Corradi, who has drawn every single illustration by hand, symbolising the sentiments and actions behind the cards. The card set is made in a durable quality, packed in a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing box with a lid, which will fit in, in most homes.