Bei Karmameju wird das Design geändert. Wir ändern das Design der Karmameju-Verpackungen. Wir ändern die visuelle Identität, um es dir noch einfacher zu machen, die richtigen Produkte für deine Haut zu finden. Mit der Designänderung werden die ehemaligen Gesichtsserien 01, 02 und 03 in die Kategorien LOVING, CALMING und ENERGIZING sowie PERFUME-FREE eingeteilt. Die Produkte sind immer noch die Karmameju Produkte, die du kennst und liebst, nur in neuen Farben.
No Beauty Without Truth
NO BEAUTY WITHOUT TRUTH is the tagline for Karmameju Skincare.
It sums up what I believe in, and the honesty I think is essential when manufacturing skincare. Honesty within our choice of ingredients, our communication, and in our relations with customers, manufacturers, suppliers, colleagues, everybody we collaborate with. There is such beauty in truth.
We always advice customers about their skin from a holistic approach. Their skin concerns may be due to diet, dehydration, hormonal issues or similar, and we will always look for the full answer.
We always advice customers about their skin from a holistic approach. Their skin concerns may be due to diet, dehydration, hormonal issues or similar, and we will always look for the full answer. This is beauty truth to me. Improving skin from a 360-degree lifestyle approach. Using bioactive skincare, but also considering the right amount of regenerating sleep, nourishing the skin through what we eat and drink, exercise, good cleansing rituals, mindful breathing and keeping the body hydrated.
I am meticulous in my choice of ingredients for Karmameju skincare, and I can only work with skincare if the integrity of ingredients is never compromised. NO BEAUTY WITHOUT TRUTH is closely related to the concept of karma: What you give to the world will come back to you. Smile at life, and life smiles back at you. Treat your skin respectfully, and you will see such fine results.
- Mette Skjærbæk,
founder of Karmameju Skincare