Skin brushing has been practiced for centuries all over the world and by many different cultures. It is a simple, easy and inexpensive way to revitalise your beauty routine - as well as your skin and energy levels. Used regularly, your body brushing will get results fast. Read on to find out more about its many benefits.
/ Boost energy
Feeling tired, listless and lacking in energy have become the norm for many. But this need not be the case. Lethargy, fatigue and a general lack of vitality can indicate that the lymphatic system is blocked, sluggish or just plain overwhelmed by stress and environmental toxins. Stimulating the lymphatic system by body brushing can get things moving again.
/ Stimulate lymph flow
The lymphatic system is an essential part of our circulatory system, with one of its primary functions being to filter the blood. A complex network of lymphatic vessels transports the clear fluid known as 'lymph' around the body, filtering, draining and recycling as it travels. Healthy lymph flow is therefore crucial to its effectiveness.
/ Cleanse and detoxify
Lymph nodes, dotted throughout the entire body along the lymphatic pathways, filter and purify the lymph fluid, returning clean blood cells to the body and breaking down pathogens and toxins. As well as cleansing and detoxifying, the lymph system reclaims digested fats and proteins, circulating them around the body, helping to increase energy.
/ Deep Down
While the superficial lymph vessels terminate just below the outer layer of skin, they flow back into the body's deeper lymphatic vessels. Any congestion at superficial lymphatic level will result in blockages deep down, so skin brushing is an excellent way to stimulate the activity of the entire lymphatic system by working on the surface only.
/ Ageless
Skin brushing can be especially beneficial to those who are more sedentary, whether through age, disability or illness. One session of vigorous skin brushing can promote a similar level of lymph flow as achieved by 20 minutes of exercise, helping to purge toxins from the body. As long as you always brush towards the heart, you can even do it sitting down.
/ Renewal
Skin brushing helps to remove old, dead skin and opens the pores, encouraging detoxification and improving skin tone. The gentle stimulation of the skin's connective top layers promotes the production of collagen and elastin fibres so body brushing can even help reduce the appearance of cellulite.
/ Healing Properties of Negative Ions
/Recovery from physical exhaustion or fatigue - by increasing oxygen levels in the blood and facilitating more efficient oxygen utilisation, negative ions help accelerate recovery from fatigue.
/ Stabilising brain function - by promoting abundant oxygen levels in the blood, negative ions help normalise brain function, resulting in relaxation and calmness.
/ Blood purification - by increasing the levels of calcium and sodium in the blood stream, negative ions help restore a healthy (slightly alkaline) pH-balance to the blood.
/ Increasing metabolism - by stimulating the exchange of electronic substances in cell walls, negative ions help increase metabolism.
/ Strengthening the immune system - high levels of negative ions promote production of globulin in the blood, resulting in stronger resistance to illness.
/ Balancing the autonomic nervous system - negative ions can calm and relax taut nerves by balancing the opposing sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system.
/ Promoting better digestion - by counteracting over-arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, negative ions help ease tension in the stomach and intestines, promoting the production of digestive enzymes and enhancing digestion.
/ Cell rejuvenation - negative ions help revitalise cell metabolism, enhancing the vitality of muscle tissue and strengthening internal organs.
/ For overall health - negative ions can rejuvenate and revitalise all of the body's systems and cells, promoting a stronger overall constitution